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Snowmobilers Unite! We all need each other's support on this important bill.



As many of you are aware, a couple weeks ago we sent out a call to action via our board of directors about our current legislation that is currently stuck in Ways and Means and the State house. It is the 11th hour and we want to make sure we get as many responses to our legislators. We are asking you ALL to take a few minutes out of your busy day to help us accomplish this project. The single biggest thing that makes legislators listen is when their constituents start to ask for help in these situations. But the Association can not do this alone. We need our membership to help us get this important legislation through to the next level. As SAM’s executive committee we can preach all we want to the legislators, but if 100 of their constituents speak, they will surely listen. So I ask that you take a few minutes and go to the link below and help us make snowmobiling better in the Commonwealth as this bill will certainly do. Please share this with all you membership so that we may flood them with responses from passionate snowmobilers. The more people who see this the more will fill it out. Since this is the 11th hour I ask that you do it ASAP as I would like to have them submitted by Monday. Time is of the essence.


Any questions feel free to email or call me.


                                                                           Thanks, Jeff Miller    413-522-0796

                                                                           President, Snowmobile Association of Massachusetts    

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